IMS Policy

IMS Policy

Integrated Management System (IMS) Policy

It is the prime objective of Kartikay Exploration & Mining Services Pvt. Ltd. to achieve zero work-related injuries and illnesses at our workplaces. To achieve this objective, Kartikay Exploration & Mining Services Pvt. Ltd. is committed to providing the necessary resources to ensure that our workplaces are maintained in a risk-free condition. All managers and employees are obligated to ensure the safety of all persons at the workplace and promote a safe and healthy workplace. The adoption of healthy and safe work practices is an integral part of our organization’s values. All persons are therefore accountable for safety performance in their area of responsibility.

Kartikay Exploration & Mining Services Pvt. Ltd. will:

  • Comply with all relevant legislative requirements, and Indian & international standards.
  • Establish measurable objectives and targets to ensure continual improvement of safety performance.

Eliminate or control hazards and risks to personal health and safety at the workplace. Kartikay Exploration & Mining Services Pvt. Ltd. makes the above commitments and in doing so, expects the full support and cooperation of all of our employees.