Exploratory Drilling and Large Dia BHs
Kartikay, with its fleet of High-Tech surface drills, is capable of drilling boreholes (more than 1000M in NQ size) from the ground surface as well as drilling large diameter boreholes with a state-of-the-art high-tech drill. This rig can drill boreholes up to the size of 171/2” in diameter.
Underground – Exploratory Drilling BHs
Kartikay is expanding the mineral exploratory drilling activity in underground drilling operations very shortly. For UG drilling operations, high-tech drill rigs capable of drilling underground boreholes with BQ / AQ / NQ size and more than 250M deep will be deployed.
Directional Drilling
We have recently added the Directional Core Drilling services to our scope of work, aiming to revolutionize exploration drilling with innovations with the technical tie-up of one of the leading Directional core barrel design and engineering Companies which has more than 20 years of successful experience in Directional drilling.